RK229, PR001, dx037, OR002, KW038, BM078, SB389, VW323, RU784, AT711, HA361, XV012
AN459, BD254, IO321, ha071, RE888, SF036, me373, AA005, GR998, JS209, BG332, UZ271, BO110
WMo7o, VS389, NO911, LA213, WY313, OP999, AT001, AP123, BW905, ST005, PZ335, UP320, UU375, ES165, SW005
WY731, WW123, CM500, OP224, YY777, ET113, ZZ000, LO252, KM357, GE241, DF307, PR662, PE914, PI314, NG674, CN301
LH268, AN266, AD222, BR002, KU823, GA164, LM801, GE777, CL128, FG005, CK028, OK123, xx007, CE147, TT110, YG119, FF100, KM007, LL777, DK007
Q: I the DXF files for download in the site none has the lanscape topography.
A: The competition area can be considered as a flat territory. Only the western border of the Landeswiese (single family homes-strip at Hausmeningerstrasse) is framed by a steep slope of about 8 meters height.
Q: The additional material to download (Plan Ausbau b121) can not be opened because the file is invalid or incorrect.
A: We tried to download the file and it worked. Please try it again, if possible on another computer with a newer version of Autocad. If it still does not work Europan Austria would e-mail it to you. In this case you should send an e-mail directly to Europan-Austria:
Q: The competion area is divided in 2 partial areas (Landeswiese and Hatschekgrunde). In between them is another area ( Waldtrapez, the woodland) as an extended competition area. Is the study area one of the two partial areas (Landeswiese or Hatchekgründe), plus Waldtrapez, or in contrast, is the totally of them (the three)?
A: As the Waldtrapez is a connective element between two major development areas it has to be included in the study area. In fact, the preservation of the woodland seems to be contradictory to be included in the competition. But as a connecting element for two future major development zones (Landeswiese & Hatschekgründe) it will be much more integrated in the urban field. Therefore, the intelligent design of soft elements or strategic rerouting of pathways might be relevant, if it can meet the requirements of preserving and even reinforcing this sensitive woodland/ヤsoft leisureヤ situation.
Q: The surface requirements of housing in Landeswiese is approxx 25%. Is the housing construction for elderly people included in this percentage?
A: The housing construction for elderly people is part of the overall housing profile which you should develop. In this sense it should give you ideas how to qualify your housing proposal. It is therefore included in the percentage of 25%. Of course the percentage can vary slightly as the competition operates in the scale of urban planning: it should be possible that housing could go up to 30% as well as it could shrink to 20%.
Q: There are intervention areas in each of the two partial areas (Landeswiese and Hatschekgrunde). If the study area is conformed by the three areas together (Landeswiese plus Waldtrapez plus Hatschekgrunde) do we have to developement both of the two intervention areas (the hotel in Landeswiese and the housing in Hatschekgründe)? Or in contrast, do we have to study the three areas and choose one of the two intervention areas?
A: Both, the hotel and the housing project at Hatschekgruende are programs which should find architectural articulation. Nevertheless, if your urban design proposal formulates clear premises to trigger an architectural project either on Landeswiese or on Hatschekgruende you might put more design-investments in the respective site for your architectural project.
Q: Waldtrapez is a woodland that has to be preserved. Construction and programs aren t allowed. But, on the other hand, the town wants to use this place how a recreational zone. Could we project any kind of minimal elements in order to guaranteeing this recreation use? Is it forbidden to project any soft elements, like new paths, in relation with the new context of the zone?
A: As the Waldtrapez is a connective element between two major development areas it has to be included in the study area. In fact, the preservation of the woodland seems to be contradictory to be included in the competition. But as a connecting element for two future major development zones (Landeswiese & Hatschekgründe) it will be much more integrated in the urban field. Therefore, the intelligent design of soft elements or strategic rerouting of pathways might be relevant, if it can meet the requirements of preserving and even reinforcing this sensitive woodland/ヤsoft leisureヤ situation.
Q: Would you confirm these surfaces requirements in Landeswiese? Companies or comercial use: approxx 70% (15,8 ha); Housing : approxx 25% (5,6 ha). And, therefore, is Free Space (outdoor space) only 5% (1,12 ha) ?
A: The ratio between housing and commercial uses is APPROXIMATELY 70% commercial uses and APPROXIMATELY 25-30% housing. The outdoor spaces and infrastructures have to be provided in any case according to your concept. Therefore, the above mentioned ratio has to be applied after you have subtracted the public streetnetwork and public outdoor spaces of your design.
NOTE: WITHIN the ratio of 70%/30% there are of course semi-public and private outdoor spaces includes that should be reconsidered carefully in your design: hot to make a win-and win between the private and public outdoor spaces and the traffic network? Can we integrate the private outdoor-area of commercial enterprises (often used for parking of manipulation of loads/infrastructures) in the overall spatiality of outdoor spaces? How do you design privacy for the housing projects beyond providing usual frontgardens in front of the ground-floor appartments?
Q: Where is the new (in errection) Pfanner-Headquater situated exactly. On the area of available lot B? Could there any information about size, given ?
A: Actually there is an ongoing construction procedure, so some decisions are not yet clarified, but we hope to give you more information until the site visit.
Q: To wich point is it possible to restructure the L190: changes in its lanes, in its trajectories, implantation of new crossroads, of red lights,...?
A: There is a possibility to restructure the L190 in the area "Alter Markt". Conceptual proposals are welcome.
Q: To which degree is it possible to make the cemetery evolve (light modifications of its outline, of its plot, of its relationship with its surroundings)? Do you still bury people in this place or rather in another cemetery? Is there a need for its expansion?
A: Light modifications on the cemetery are not necessary. There is an extension of the cemetry considerable towards the south, which also means that this cemetery should remain the only one for Lauterach.
Q: Could you clarify the concepts of "Supervised accomodations" and "Dwellings in a communal household"?
A: "Supervised accomodations" are dwellings for partly handycapped or retired people. "Dwellings in a communal household" means more social integration in the housing community.
Q: Could you give more precisions about the patients inhabiting the "rooms for in-patient care and nursing" and the "supervised appartments": their respective degree of independence towards the medical unit, the resident's common areas of the "Haus Lauterach" and towards the surroundings (the whole Lauterach community)?
A: In beginning there should be constructed supervised appartments which should be transformed until 2020 into rooms for in-patient care and nursing. There is a need in 2020 for 187 rooms. The strategy will be to design flexible ground floors.
Q: Capacities of evolution of the program: What kind and degree of evolution should the project allow?
A: Europan is a competiton of ideas with following implementations: that means that your ideas are demanded for this project.
Q: Does this "capacity of evolution" concern: The capacity to extend later the "Haus Lauterach" itself (more rooms, adding of new functions)? The eventuality of building later on the "Schertler site" the townhall and community center located at the present time at Monfortplatz?
A: The community will decide with the results of the competition if they want to remain on Monfortplatz or if the whole administration will transfer to the "Haus Lauterach".
Q: Are there any formal guidelines such as amount of plans / plan size / partitioning of the different contents on plans / size of brochure / content of brochure / required language(s) on plans and brochure?
A: There are no special requirements for this site. For general information see the rules on
Q: Are there any special requirements for team number on plans?
A: There are no special requirements for this site. For general questions please see the rules on
Q: Could you please send some sections of the different brewery cellars with detailed heights on dxf-file-format such as a plan of site with level curves?
A: Unfortunately we got only the ground floor of the brewery cellars, but all the necessary geodetic points for drawing the level curves you will get by activating the necessary layers in the file: SCHWECHAT-A-SM5.dxf.
In the same file you will also find all the information for drawing sections.
Q: Could you please send some plans of the existing buildings 1/2/5/9/10/13/14/15/16/17 (according downloaded file SCHWECHAT-A-SC2) on dxf-file-format ?
A: We informed the owner of the site about your request and they will try to get the plans until the 6th of July, the day of the site visit.
Q: : Do you have structural informations about the cellars under the area of the brewery (phase 1)? Is it realistic to plan builings on top of the cellars (artificial landscape) or can the cellars only be preserved in those places, we do not plan any buildings?
A: You will get all necessary informations when you activate the layers in the file: SCHWECHAT-A-SM5.dxf. It is possible to plan buildings on top of the cellars but you have to consider the statical structure of the arches. But it is also allowed to remove the existing cellar structure (or parts of it).
Q: Some of the buildings on the premises should be preserved - could you provide ground plans and sections of these buildings? (Especially buildings with the following numbers: 1, 2, 4, 5, 9 and 10)
A: We informed the owner of the site about your request and they will try to get the plans until the 6th of July, the day of the site visit.
Q: The official inspection of this site is very late (6th of july)! Could this appointment be in mid of june? The cellars could be an important part of our concept, if we had an idea of their condition and their usability.
A: We have put site inspections between the mid of May and the beginning of July in coordination with the site owners and the town-planning departments. Unfortunately it is to complicated to arrange a new date for the visit, moreover other people have asked to put it very late.
The cellars are in a very good condition and can therefore be integrated in your concept.
Q: What are the maximum building heights admitted on the site?
A: As in the briefing mentioned the buildings should be 3-4 floors high, but the maximum FAR should be 2.0.
Q: Waidhofen is divided in 2 distinct sites. We have to choose one of both, don't we?
A: No, both sites have to be seen as part of one competition. Although their context is quite different, both are amongst the last major strategic reserves for future development of the town: site two as a location close to the station, site one as an inner city reserve.
Q: With one registration is to elaborate 1 and 2?
A: Both sites are to be elaborated with one registration, as they altogether share the common issue of being strategic reserves for future urban development.
Q: Gibt es bezüglich dem Standort Wien Angaben welche Lärmbelastung von der durchs Gebiet laufenden Bahnstrecke ausgehen? Gibt es wiederum max. Lärmbelastungswerte für die Errichtung von Wohnbauten?
A: Bestandsdaten gibt es laut MA 22 keine, es müsste erst eine Lärmmessung gemacht werden. Bezüglich der max. Lärmbelastungswerte gibt es Planungsrichtwerte (ÖAL 36 und ÖNORM S65021) für die Widmungskategorien:
Tag | Nacht | Widmung |
55 dB | 45 dB | Wohngebiet |
60 dB | 50 dB | Gemischtes Baugebiet (für unser Gebiet relevant) |
65 dB | 55 dB | Betriebsbaugebiet |
Diese Werte sollten an der Fassade, hinter der sich Aufenthaltsräume befinden, errreicht werden.
Q: Can I also work for another site in another country with only one registration, or do I have to pay two times 100 euros?
A: If you work on another site in another country you have to inscribe yourself one more time. But you have to pay only 50 euros. As our rules say you can subscribe to more than 1 site (2,3,4,...) if these sites are in different countires. Only for the first site you have to pay 100 euro, for every other site the costs are 50 euro.
Q: Wäre es möglich, dass ich im Rahmen meiner Diplomarbeit (Architektur) am Europan-Wettbewerb teilnehme, da ich mich ohnenhin mit einer ähnlichen Thematik beschäftige - und die Teilnahme am Wettbewerb würde einen besonderen Anreiz darstellen. Der von mir angestrebte Termin für die Diplomprüfung wäre Oktober/November.
A: Den Europan- Auschreibungsrichtlinien entsprechend musst du, wenn du als team leader oder co-autor ein Projekt einreichst (deadline der Einreichung 26. September 2005) bereits im Besitz eines gültigen Diplomzeugnisses sein - also in deinem Falle bleibt dir nur die Möglichkeit eine Kooperation mit einem teilnahmeberechtigten Architekten einzugehen und als Mitarbeiter aufzutreten. Leider gibt es von unserer Seite her keine Möglichkeit Ausnahmen zu machen.
Q: Wie ist eigentlich genau der Unterschied zwischen study area und project area gemeint? Sollen sich Entwürfe/Vorschläge nur auf die project area beziehen oder ganzheitlich über die gesamte study area?
A: Vereinfacht gesagt ist die project area das konkrete Baugebiet, wo in weiterer Folge auch wirklich ein Projekt realisiert werden soll. Die study area ist der städtebaulich relevante Bereich, der bearbeitet werden soll. Es kann, wie im Fall von Waidhofen aber auch ein Gebiet (site 2) für Europan ausgeschrieben werden, wo sehr wohl prinzipelle urbane Fragen gestellt werden (study area), jedoch noch kein konkretes Bauprojekt in Aussicht ist.
Q: Gibt es für die Beschreibung der österreichischen Standorte eine deutsche Übersetzung?
A: Eine deutsche Version der Beschreibung der österreichischen Standorte ist auf der Europan-Europe Website ( zu finden, unter dem Punkt: sites - sites by map - einen Standort anklicken und dann auf die deutsche Fahne - download einer deutschsprachigen Beschreibung zum jeweiligen Standort.
Q: Ich habe von der Seite das Reglement downgeloadet, finde aber nirgends einen Anhang, wie im Reglement unter den Punkten 1.32, 2, 6, 3.1.2 angeführt.
A: Leider können wir den Anhang auf der Europan-Europe Website auch nicht finden, haben diese Frage aber an Paris weitergeleitet.
Hier der Anhang zum download: >> autrian annex to E8-rules (doc)