Christian Haid (AT), Lukas Staudinger (AT), architects Contributor : Doris Schweighofer (AT), economist
The project suggests a careful strategy for a step-by-step development which respects the synergy of existing enterprises and new players. A curatorium with different representatives (policy, administration, experts, neighbours) organizes and reinforces new dynamics in the area. The project also introduces the idea of open spaces which are the result of a productive synergy between the suggested linear densification, natural elements (rain) and a low-budget-concept of free space. The Schleppbahn is seen as a media of transport, also including the transport of information and cultural events which present themselves to a broader public. Although the jury appreciates the comittment of a process-orientated approach which integrates strongly the relation between production and open landscape, the plan of the suggested built development, stretching out linearily along infrastructural lines, is not convincing. Its conventional organization does not offer the qualities which are potentially introduced in the sections. << BACK